Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiian Art of Healing

Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly through the teachings of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. This spiritual technique, deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture, is centered on healing and transformation through self-responsibility, repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation. Dr. Hew Len’s interpretation and application of Ho’oponopono have brought a unique and powerful perspective to this traditional practice, making it accessible and relevant to people worldwide.

The Origins of Ho’oponopono

The termHo’oponoponocan be translated from Hawaiian asto make rightorto correct an error.Traditionally, Ho’oponopono was a communal practice conducted by a kahuna (a Hawaiian spiritual healer) or an elder to resolve conflicts within families or communities. The process involved open discussions, prayer, confession, repentance, and mutual forgiveness. The goal was to restore harmony and balance within the group by clearing the negative emotions and energies that caused the conflict.

Hew Len’s Philosophy: Self-I-Dentity and Healing

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian psychologist and spiritual teacher, brought a modernized version of Ho’oponopono to a broader audience. His approach, often calledSelf-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono(SITH), shifts the focus from external conflicts to internal healing. Dr. Hew Len’s philosophy emphasizes that the source of all problems lies within ourselves in the form of unconscious memories, beliefs, and emotions. By taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens in our lives, we can heal ourselves, others, and the world around us.

The cornerstone of Dr. Hew Len’s Ho’oponopono practice is that everything we experience, whether positive or negative, reflects our inner state. He teaches that we create our reality through our thoughts, feelings, and memories, many of which are stored in our subconscious. These memories can manifest as problems, illnesses, or conflicts. However, we can bring profound healing and transformation by cleansing these memories and restoring our connection to the Divine.

The Four Key Phrases of Ho’oponopono

Dr. Hew Len’s method of Ho’oponopono is straightforward yet deeply profound. It involves repeating four key phrases that serve as a mantra for healing and forgiveness:

  1. I’m Sorry: This phrase acknowledges that we are responsible for the situation or problem, whether or not we are consciously aware of how we contributed to it. By saying,I’m sorry,we express genuine remorse for our memories and beliefs’ role in creating the issue.
  2. Please Forgive Me: Here, we ask for forgiveness from ourselves and the Divine for any harm we have caused, knowingly or unknowingly. This step is crucial in releasing negative energy and cleansing the subconscious mind.
  3. Thank You: Gratitude is a powerful force in Ho’oponopono. By sayingThank you,we express appreciation for the opportunity to heal and grow. It also reinforces our faith that the healing process is already underway.
  4. I Love You: This phrase reconnects us with the pure, unconditional love of the Divine. Love is the ultimate healing force, capable of dissolving negative energies and restoring balance and harmony within us.

The Power of Ho’oponopono in Practice

One of the most famous stories illustrating the power of Ho’oponopono involves Dr. Hew Len’s work at the Hawaii State Hospital. In the 1980s, Dr. Hew Len was assigned to work with a ward of criminally insane patients. The environment was so hostile and dangerous that the staff turnover was high, and the patients showed slight improvement. Instead of using conventional psychological techniques, Dr. Hew Len began practicing Ho’oponopono on himself. He would review each patient’s file and then apply the four phases internally, taking full responsibility for their conditions. Remarkably, the patients recovered over time, and the ward’s atmosphere transformed. Eventually, the entire ward was closed due to the lack of patients.

This story underscores the central tenet of Dr. Hew Len’s philosophy: by healing ourselves, we heal others and the world. The transformation of the hospital ward demonstrated that Ho’oponopono has the power to heal not just individual relationships but entire environments.

Integrating Ho’oponopono into Daily Life

While Ho’oponopono is rooted in Hawaiian tradition, Dr. Hew Len’s interpretation makes it a universally applicable tool for personal and collective healing. Integrating Ho’oponopono into daily life involves consistently applying the four key phrases to any situation or problem. This practice can be done silently or aloud, in meditation, or during moments of reflection.

The beauty of Ho’oponopono lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It does not require any particular rituals, tools, or external conditions. All that is needed is the willingness to take responsibility for our lives and the desire to heal. By embracing Ho’oponopono, we can experience a profound shift in our relationships, health, and overall well-being.

Personal Experience: Immediate Shifts in Relationships

As someone who has personally embraced the practice of Ho’oponopono, I have witnessed firsthand its transformative power. Regularly chanting the four key phrases—”I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You”—I have seen immediate shifts in my relationships. Situations that once seemed tense or unresolved began to change almost effortlessly. Communication improved, misunderstandings cleared, and a sense of peace replaced the previous discord. This personal experience underscores the profound impact Ho’oponopono can have on our lives, making it not just a practice but a way of living that fosters harmony and connection.


Ho’oponopono, as taught by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, offers a powerful and transformative approach to healing. By taking responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, we can cleanse our subconscious mind, release negative energies, and restore harmony within ourselves and the world around us. Whether used to resolve conflicts, heal relationships, or address personal challenges, Ho’oponopono is a timeless and universal practice that can bring about profound change and inner peace.

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