Past Life and Reincarnation: Understanding Your Journey Through Time

Reincarnation is a belief that the soul, after death, returns to the physical realm in a new body, continuing its journey across multiple lifetimes. This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth allows for spiritual growth, as each lifetime offers lessons and opportunities to evolve. Past lives are the previous incarnations we have experienced, and they often hold significant influence over our current life’s challenges, patterns, and relationships.

In the realm of psychic readings, especially when focusing on healing and transformation, exploring past lives can provide profound insights. These previous experiences can leave imprints in your energy field that subtly affect your present-day choices, emotions, and even health. Unresolved issues or trauma from a past life may manifest as emotional blocks or repetitive patterns in this life, and addressing them can be key to your personal growth and healing.

When you receive a psychic reading with me, I tune into your energy field and the layers of your soul’s journey. If a past life surfaces and is relevant to your current life, it often means that some aspect of that incarnation still requires closure or healing. Perhaps there’s a past connection to a person in your life now, or a lingering emotion that you’ve carried across lifetimes. Together, we explore these experiences and understand how they are affecting your present life.

What makes my readings unique is the opportunity to update your incarnation to the present. If closure with a past life is necessary, with your permission, I help to release that unresolved energy. This process allows you to fully integrate the wisdom from your past without carrying any of its burdens into your present or future. By doing so, you create a cleaner slate, aligning more fully with who you are now and moving forward with greater clarity and freedom.

In each session, I work intuitively to identify what is needed for your soul’s growth and healing. Sometimes, past lives hold the key to unlocking current challenges. By bringing those experiences into conscious awareness and working to resolve them, we create space for new possibilities, healthier relationships, and a more empowered version of yourself.

Reincarnation is not just about the past; it’s about how those experiences shape your now. Through my psychic readings, I help you understand your soul’s journey and release what no longer serves you, so you can live your most aligned life today.

My Psychic Mediumship Reading Style

During a psychic mediumship reading with me, I incorporate chakra clearing to help release energetic blocks and gain insight into your soul’s journey. As I work through your chakras, a past life may appear in your energy field. For example, if you’ve been struggling with finances in this life, it could be linked to a past life where you were part of a spiritual community, and your role did not involve managing finances. I explore the connection between that past life and your current situation, offering insights on how it may be influencing you now.

I take a deep dive into each of your chakras, clearing any blocks that may be present. With your permission, I move these energetic burdens out of your field, so they no longer affect you in this lifetime. This process helps to release past-life issues, making space for healing and growth in the present.

Before our reading, I also pull cards from various Oracle decks to see how they align with your chakras. This intuitive guidance adds another layer of depth to our session, allowing us to pinpoint the areas where your energy may need attention.

At the end of the reading, I perform a healing process similar to Reiki, which helps to balance and restore your energy. I finish with a Deeksha Blessing, which offers spiritual support and empowerment as you move forward.

While I do not forecast the future, as energy is always shifting and changing, I can provide guidance on specific questions such as, “Should I move to California or New York?” or “Is this partner the right one for me?” Your future is fluid, not set in stone, and as a spirit, you always have free will in the choices you make. My role is to help you align with your highest path, offering clarity and insight along the way.

You may also be interested in reading Deeksha and Oneness Blessing: A Pathway to Spiritual Awakening and Transformation.

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