Poltergeist Psychic Space Clearing

Recently, I investigated an old barn where the homeowner had experienced disturbances attributed to a poltergeist—an entity causing significant disruptions by knocking down heavy furniture.

During our initial conversation in a park, I could perceive the entity’s energy through the homeowner’s auric field. Upon entering the barn, it became evident that the poltergeist was on the right side, aligning with the homeowner’s experiences.

A few days later, a visit was made to the 40-acre farm. The homeowner provided alone time to communicate with the entity, revealing its name as Loyd, a man in his 30s or 40s who had been present for over a century. Loyd’s fear of going to hell from past misdeeds kept him bound to the barn.

I explained to Loyd that upon death, spirits enter the ethereal world without condemnation. Family and friends eagerly await their arrival. I encouraged him to recall happy moments and loved ones, reassuring him that these spirits awaited him.

Crossing over involves a life review, assessing earthly lessons learned. Any unlearned lessons can be revisited through reincarnation. There is no hell, only varying frequencies of energy, sometimes interpreted as hell and heaven.

Lyod was comfortable with my explanation. Together we journeyed to the higher planes where we saw his loved ones happy to see his arrival. However, his long-standing fear of hell prevented him from staying there. He bounced back to his comfort zone to the right corner of the barn. I walked him through the beam of light for the second time.  He stepped off the platform of love and light with an open heart excited about an ancestral reunion. I can see his initial hesitation dissolving as he embraced the people that were significant to his soul journey.

Subsequently, the homeowner’s mother mentioned that the property had been in the family for over one hundred years. Loyd was indeed a family member, and she was excited to hear his name.

The invisible world operates in mysterious ways, often beyond the comprehension of our analytical minds. It challenges our understanding and invites us to explore concepts that transcend our earthly experience.

As an intuitive psychic medium, I perceive and sense energy fields, uncovering the awe-inspiring multitude of dimensions within the invisible world.

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