Since the beginning of time, people have tried to understand life’s ultimate mystery. People call it “God,” while others call it “Consciousness.” No matter the name, this presence represents something greater than ourselves — a force that gives our life meaning.
The Western Perspective on God
In the West, people often imagine God as a loving, powerful being who created the universe and cares for us individually. This idea comes from religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In these traditions, God is seen as someone we can talk to through prayer, who guides and helps us.
The Western God
Western beliefs tend to see a clear separation between God and themselves. God exists beyond the physical world. We can reach God through our faith, prayer, and worship. This relationship gives us a sense of comfort and purpose.
The Eastern Consciousness
In the East, the idea of a separate, personal God is less common. Many Eastern traditions focus on a universal consciousness that is present in everyone and everything. Instead of seeing the divine as “out there,” it’s believed to be “in here“ — inside each of us.
In Hinduism, the ultimate reality is Brahman — a vast, formless essence connecting all of life. Our soul, or Atman, is a small part of this greater whole. It’s like each of us is a wave on the surface of a vast ocean.
Buddhism takes a slightly different approach, focusing on being fully present and aware of the interconnectedness of all things. Instead of focusing on a divine being, Buddhists explore how everything is connected and how the idea of “self“ is an illusion. Buddhists seek to experience unity through meditation and mindfulness and to let go of ego-based thinking.
Taoism speaks of the Tao — an unseen force that flows through everything in the universe. The Tao isn’t a “God“ you pray to; it’s a natural order or flow you align with. By living in harmony with the Tao, you can experience peace and balance.
The Shared Experience of Presence
No matter where we come from, we all have moments when we feel this presence deeply. It could be in a quiet moment of prayer, a peaceful meditation, or simply a moment in nature when everything feels right. In these moments, labels and differences don’t matter. We feel a stillness, a peace, and a sense of being connected to something infinite.
When I think about how different these ideas seem on the surface, it reminds me of two friends taking different trails up a mountain. One friend chooses the well-marked path with clear signs, while the other prefers a quiet, winding trail through the forest. They might describe their journeys differently, but they stand in the same breathtaking place when they reach the top.
When you are on your spiritual path, it makes no difference if you call it God, Brahman, the Tao, or love. The connection beyond ourselves is what we call “God” or “Consciousnesses.”
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